Domestic violence survivors'
self-identified reasons for returning to abusive relationships.
Griffing, S., Ragin, D.F., Sage, R.E., Madry, L., Bingham,
L.E. & Primm, B.J.
The Journal of Interpersonal Violence
The present study examines self-identified reasons
for returning to abusive relationships. Ninety female
residents of an urban domestic violence shelter completed
structured interviews that included questions about
their previous attempts to separate from the batterer
and their perceived likelihood of returning in the future.
The results indicated that participants appeared to
underestimate their likelihood of returning to the relationship.
A particularly intriguing pattern of results emerged
with respect to emotional attachment. Participants with
a history of past separations were significantly more
likely to indicate that they might return to the batterer
because of their continued attachment, than participants
leaving for the first time. Emotional attachment also
had a high rate of repeat endorsement, indicating that
those who considered returning because of their attachment
to the batterer were significantly more likely to have
done so in the past. Clinical implications of the findings
will be discussed.