Exposure to interpersonal violence
as a predictor of PTSD-symptomatology in domestic violence
Griffing, S., Lewis, C.S., Chu, M., Sage, R.E., Madry,
L., and Primm, B.J. (in press). Journal of Interpersonal
This study examines the interrelationships between childhood
abuse, exposure to maternal domestic violence, and posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) symptomatology in a multiethnic sample of 111 adult
female residents of a domestic violence (DV) shelter. Participants
completed structured interviews about the DV and their prior violence
exposure, as well as the Impact of Event Scale-Revised. As hypothesized,
there was high co-occurrence between exposure to maternal DV and childhood
physical and sexual abuse, and the frequency of lifetime violence
exposure predicted PTSD symptomatology. A series of multiple regressions
indicated a more complex pattern of relationships, in which specific
forms of violence predicted different PTSD symptom dimensions. A history
of witnessing maternal DV predicted intrusion symptoms, and the severity
of the DV predicted avoidance symptoms. Both, the severity of the
current DV and a history of childhood sexual abuse predicted hyperarousal
symptoms. Ethnicity was not related to levels of violence exposure
or to PTSD symptoms. Clinical implications of the findings are discussed.