Childhood Maltreatment, Familial
Violence, and Retraumatization: Assessing Inner-City Battered
Lewis, C.S., Jospitre, T., Griffing, S., Chu, M., Sage,
R.E., Madry, L., and Primm, B.J. (in press). Journal of
Emotional Abuse.
This preliminary study attempts (1) to examine differences
in posttraumatic symptomatology in predominately minority, sheltered,
battered women (n=55) as a function of childhood trauma histories;
and (2) to disentangle the impact of two often confounded forms of
childhood trauma-- exposure to family violence and direct childhood
maltreatment. Controlling for current domestic violence (DV), hierarchical
regression analyses showed that childhood emotional abuse mediated
the adverse effects of childhood exposure to family violence on PTSD
symptomatology (i.e. hyperarousal, intrusion). Avoidant symptoms were
most strongly predicted by current violence, with psychological abuse
adding significantly to the variance explained above and beyond physical
abuse. |